fbpx Systems Thinking | takween

Systems Thinking

9 - 11 June 2022
Facilitated by:
Aya Shaban

About this module

This module provides a foundation for systems thinking to lay the grounds for a broader perspective when asking questions and imagining solutions. Through active learning, modelling, and relevant examples, the designers develop skills to navigate through design challenges that address complex societal and environmental issues.

About the facilitator Aya Shaban

Aya is a system designer, wild forager, and architect. She uses her fluency across diverse disciplines to merge between social innovation and ecological thinking with focus on measurable impact. In 2012, she co-founded Namliyeh, the pioneering food and design brand based in Amman, which enables a network of local farmers, makers, and designers to pave an alternative path back to the land through a transparent food system.


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