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humour for resilience and leadership - lecture performance

About the lecture

If humour is an integral part of our daily lives : joking to ourselves, in relationships, family life and leisure sets; why can’t it be also used by leaders in a workplace context? Why is workplace humour different?

Leading with humor is one of the most important skill sets a leader can develop. It helps leaders connect with employees, build trust, create psychological safety at work, improve collaboration, improve communication, morale and motivation. It's not about being a stand up comedian, leading with laughter is about connecting at a human level so that your employees, peers, stakeholders want to follow you, not because they have to.

About the facilitator

Betty Hohmann is a Psychologist Expert in Design and Innovation. She championed the implementation of humor, design and leadership methods within organizations. She has performed consulting transformation projects for European Institutions before she joined the INRIA Research Center developing a remote working framework methodology. Then she joined the industrial world : Dassault Systèmes, GE Healthcare to implement design, innovation, humor and health programs. 

She is now supporting organizations, coaching cross functional teams as well as individuals to lead transformation taking into account human sensitivity, humor, trust and design. She is teaching leadership, design thinking, well-being and creativity.